Dy orsedd oedd erioed Dduw Ner

(Tragwyddoldeb Duw)
Dy orsedd oedd erioed, Dduw Ner,
  Cyn gwneuthur ser na moroedd;
Ti wyt drag'wyddol fywiol Dduw,
  Er trengu
      pob rhyw bobloedd.

Natur ac amser oll heb gudd,
  I'th olwg sydd yn eglur;
O ffurfiad 'r wybren fry,
    a'r llawr,
  Hyd y dydd mawr eu llosgir.

Blynyddoedd trag'wyddoldeb sy
  'N bresenol i ti beunydd;
'Does dim yn hen i'th olwgfaith,
  Fod mawr, na dim yn newydd.

Rhoed nef a daear
    fyth in' Iôn,
  Anrhydedd cyson siriol;
Addoliad dwys, gwasanaeth glân,
  A hyfryd gân drag'wyddol.
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Clodforwn di O Arglwydd da
  Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw

(God's Eternity)
Thy throne has been forever, Lord God,
  Before the making of stars of seas;
Thou art eternally a living God,
  Despite the decease
      of all kinds of peoples.

Nature and time all without concealment,
  To thy view are clear;
From the formation of the sky above,
    and the earth,
  Until the great day of their burning.

The years of eternity are
  Present to thee daily;
Nothing is old to thy vast view,
  Great Being, nor anything new.

Let heaven and earth give
    forever to our Lord,
  Constant, cheerful honour;
Intense worship, holy service,
  And a delightful, eternal song!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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